
Meeting with Raffaele Di Marcello

Second appointment with the "Go Slow" series for SIMTUR's "Future Talks", Tuesday, April 13 at 6 pm, with Debora Sanna and Alessio Scarale from the scientific secretariat of the DMO Mediterranean Pearls. We meet Raffaele Di Marcello, Architect of the Urban Service of the Province of Teramo, co-designer of the Teramo provincial cycling network. Raffaele will take us on a journey through the project of the cycling routes of the river valleys, which in 2020 won the Premio Go Slow, in the category "projects under construction" with the following motivation:

For a clear design scheme, which makes the best use of the various components present in the area with the aim of enhancing the peculiarities, defining real cross green infrastructure, the "river bike paths", with the result of achieving an excellent level of integration in view of a "network of networks" of cycle routes. For the research of the best solutions concerning the landscape and environmental insertion of the routes and for the attention to a sustainable planning of the interventions.

Live on https://www.facebook.com/simtur.italia and https://bit.ly/simtur-TV.

The GO SLOW series of the "Future Talks" is hosted in the live streaming of the Società Italiana Professionisti Mobilità Dolce, by DMO Mediterranean Pearls, owner of the Go Slow brand. Technical and scientific committee by the Cooperazione Mobilità Dolce (Co.Mo.Do.) and SIMTUR.
The GO SLOW Award has boasted the ENIT patronage for two editions.

Provincia di Teramo Premio Goslow 2020

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