
Premio Go Slow 2021

Registration is open for the 9th edition of the Premio Nazionale Go Slow 2021, one of the longest-running and most prestigious national awards, aimed at projects dedicated to the creation of light infrastructures to improve the quality of life in urban contexts, to connect inland and marginal areas, and to integrate the elements of environmental and landscape value of slow and sustainable tourism destinations, welcoming the widest possible range of users in the name of universal accessibility.
The Go Slow 2021 Award, which for the third year running boasts the support of ENIT - the Italian National Tourist Board, aims to highlight the central role of architecture, engineering and town planning in the protection of territories and the virtuous processes of transformation of the cultural landscape. For this reason it recognises and rewards projects capable of guaranteeing environmental quality and activating forms of urban regeneration that have managed to combine aesthetics and functionality, distinguishing themselves for their appropriate use of infrastructures and services, particularly when they do not lead to new land consumption. The Award encourages the choice of bringing a green economy through soft mobility to inland areas and those with a landscape vocation. It encourages the creation of networks of cycling and outdoor tourism routes for families, enhancing service chains and restoring the role of associations and local authorities.

The jury, selected by SIMTUR, Cooperazione Mobilità Dolce (Co.Mo.Do.), DMO Mediterranean Pearls, Go Slow Social Club and ItaliaBio, is composed of architects, urban planners, destination managers, mobility managers, tourism strategy experts, biodistrict experts, together with other voices from civil society.
The award categories are 3:

  • completed works and projects
  • works and projects in progress
  • feasibility studies for new infrastructures, networks and services.

Alongside the winners, special mentions will be selected for sustainable cultural tourism destinations, "Great Places to Walk" and "Great Places to Bike", as well as others aimed at recognising the best accessibility projects and technological and digital innovation. And commendations for degree and research theses on the themes of soft, active, clean and shared mobility.

Il regolamento è disponibile all'indirizzo: https://www.premiogoslow.it/regolamento
Link diretto al modulo di candidatura: https://www.premiogoslow.it/candidatura

The deadline for submitting projects is 30 September 2021. The names of the designers who have passed the selection phase will be published on the premiogoslow.it portal in October. The award ceremony will take place in Rome at the ENIT headquarters on Friday 19 November 2021.
Share the Award clip: https://youtu.be/HvnYTln8Q44

Scientific Secretariat
SIMTUR | DMO Mediterranean Pearls | Co.Mo.Do | Italia Bio

National Press Office "Premio Go Slow 2021"
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