
Mobility Week 2021

Move sustainably... and healthily

2021 is a special year for the event that by now unites millions of citizens and thousands of administrations on the road to increasingly sustainable mobility: European Mobility Week, in fact, celebrates its first 20 years! The current year, however, represents for everyone a year of hope for an immediate exit from a crisis that has disrupted our habits and our cities. To this end, therefore, the next edition of the European Mobility Week is focused on the safety and healthiness of sustainable mobility choices and to this end the slogan "Move sustainably...and healthily" has been chosen. European citizens are encouraged to keep physically and mentally fit by exploring the beauty of cities, and to show consideration for the environment and the health of others when choosing between different modes of transport.
The choice of the slogan "Move Sustainable...and Healthy" pays tribute to the hardships the world faced during the COVID-19 pandemic and is also an invitation to reflect on the opportunities for change arising from this unprecedented health crisis. Cities and local governments have deployed creative and unprecedented responses to the pandemic, and European Mobility Week aims to celebrate cities' resilience and successes by sustaining the momentum and trends that began last year, such as increased active mobility and the use of low- or zero-emission mobility.

Mediterranean Pearls adheres to the European Mobility Week 2021 and promotes initiatives and events organized by municipalities and associations, with the aim of confirming Italy as one of the countries with the highest number of adhesions at European level.
The Italian municipalities participating in the 2021 edition are 97!

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