
Med Pearls Slow Tourism Product Creation

Mediterranean Pearls APS has launched a Call for Proposal for the creation of Slow Tourism products in the Italian Pilot Areas: Etna-Valle dell’Alcantara and Sabina Reatina in order to promote the Mediterranean as a destination for Slow and Sustainable Tourism. The call is open to Destination Manage...

Training Session Etna - Valle dell'Alcantara

As part of the European cross-border program ENI CBC MED, created to face the challenges of the Mediterranean and improve the lives of men and women in the region, the Med Pearls project is being developed, the Italian beneficiary of which is the Mediterranean Pearls DMO. The project aims to promote...

New experiential tourism in Sabina

A new slow destination is born in Lazio, already a land of religious paths, where soft mobility is the instrument par excellence for the widest and deepest enjoyment of the landscape, since only by moving slowly can it be possible to fully enjoy and being part of it. Virtuous mechanisms of wide and...

Awareness raising event in Linguaglossa

Thursday 20 February, the public awareness event dedicated to the MEDPEARLS project of the ENI CBC MED Call for 2014-2020 was held in Linguaglossa (CT) at the Proloco, one of the most evocative locations in the city. DMO Mediterranean Pearls Italia is partner with other 5 Mediterranean countries (Sp...

Training Session Sabina Reatina

As part of the European cross-border program ENI CBC MED, created to face the challenges of the Mediterranean and improve the lives of men and women in the region, the Med Pearls project is being developed, the Italian beneficiary of which is the Mediterranean Pearls DMO. The project aims to promote...

MedPearls events of September in Sabina

The autumn activities of the dissemination events and thematic workshops organized by the DMO Mediterranean Pearls in the Italian pilot areas for the "Med Pearls" Project - ENI CBCMED 2014-2020 are restarting. After the five webinars of spring-summer 2020 (which can be listened to on the Mediterrane...

A new lecture of DMO Mediterranean Pearls

Friday July 17th 2020 - From Alpine Pearls to Mediterranean Pearls: soft mobility holidays. Today holidays become more and more sustainable and in gentle mobility. From the Alpine arc to the Mediterranean basin, from Alpine Pearls to Mediterranean Pearls: all the green Tours that await us. We talk a...

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