
Med Pearls call for ICT solutions - UPDATE

Call for proposals closed

Call for ICT solutions applied to Italian slow tourism products created by the Med Pearls project.
Reference: MEDPEARLS-2022-ITALY-01

Winning projects resulted in:
- Pearls Island, by Lascò srl with an average score of 8.49
- Guideme2 @Sabina Reatina, by BearIT srl with an average score of 8.43

The evaluation committee consisted of representatives of the Med Pearls parternship and members of the Advisory Group, in the persons of:
- Lluis Santamarta (Spain)
- Chrysanthi Tasiou (Greece)
- Mousa Omar (Palestine)
- Fabrizio Giglioni (Italy)
- Daniela De Gregorio (Italy)

Details on the Oncat platform: https://medpearls.oncat.eu/home

The Med Pearls project, funded by the European Union under the ENI CBC MED Program, includes 6 Mediterranean countries (Egypt, Greece, Italy, Jordan, Palestine and Spain). One of the objectives of the project is to create ICT solutions to enhance slow tourism products that are currently being developed in the Med Pearls pilot areas of the 6 project countries. To this end, the Med Pearls project is issuing a call for sub-grant proposals aimed at creating ICT solutions applied to slow tourism products. The call is aimed at micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs, including start-ups and entrepreneurs) specializing in the development of ICT solutions.

Organizations must be registered in one of the eligible or neighboring ENI CBC MED regions of one of the 6 implementing countries of the Med Pearls project. The maximum grant amount an applicant can apply for under this call for proposals is 25,000 euros. Two projects will be funded.
L'invito a presentare proposte per l'Italia è aperto fino al 22 giugno 2022 alle ore 18:00 CEST. The call for proposals for Italy is open until June 22, 2022 at 18:00 CEST. Interested companies can download the Application Package, submit questions on the application process and submit their proposals via the following link: https://medpearls.oncat.eu/home

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