
Alpine Pearls wins GO SLOW8 2020

The winners of the 8th edition of the Premio Go Slow 2020, one of the longest-running and prestigious national awards, aimed at the best projects dedicated to the creation of light infrastructures in the Italian cultural landscape, have been proclaimed. The Premio Go Slow, which boasts the patronage of ENIT for the second consecutive year, aims in fact to bring out the central role of architecture in the protection of territories, in the promotion of conscious travels and in the positive processes of transformation of the cultural landscape. For this reason it spreads the culture of projects as a guarantee of environmental and civil quality, rewarding those with the most sustainable urban regeneration that combine aesthetics and functionality and stand out for the quality and appropriate use of the structures to be regenerated.

Rome December 15th 2020 - The jury of professionals, selected by SIMTUR, the Cooperation Mobilità Dolce (Co.Mo.Do.) and DMO Mediterranean Pearls APS, made up of architects, urban planners, geographers, communicators, experts in tourism strategies, districts of organic agriculture, specialized in telling the world of soft mobility, together with other voices of civil society (Ass. Cammini D'Europa, Ass. Go Slow Social Club, Italia Bio), proclaimed the International Cooperation Alpine Pearls winner of the eighth edition. A network in five countries of the Alpine arc, Italy, Austria, Switzerland, Germany and Slovenia, created to foster a conscious and sustainable tourism, today made up of 21 of the most beautiful Alpine resorts united by the common denominator of soft mobility, in full harmony with nature, to discover all the beauty of a car-free holiday.
The "Ceresole Reale Turismo Slow" project of the Municipality of Ceresole Reale is ranked in second place and the "Antica Strada del Costo" project of the Ass. Montagne e Solidarietà. The Go Slow8 Award also assigns a place of honor to participatory processes, impact analyzes and feasibility studies for the current year and the next. The project "Mobilità ciclistica e studio di ciclovie fluviali di collegamento dei Comuni della Provincia di Teramo" wins the category. In second place is the project "Connessione tra le aree costiere di Porto Vecchio e Porto Nuovo” of the Municipality of Trieste, while the "E-Bike Exprerience in Val Seriana e Val di Scalve" project of the Ass. Promoserio is ranked third.
Awarded 3 mentions: "Marsala Ciclabile" project of the Municipality of Marsala, "Mobilità dolce transfrontaliera di itinerari ciclo-pedonali lungo il fiume Isonzo-Soča" by Stradivarie Architetti Associati in Trieste and "La Veneta" (Budrio-Massalombarda railway) by Giacomo Beccari, Gaia Calamosca, Alessandro Miti of Ciclostile Architettura in Bologna. Finally, two commendations for design ideas: "SI.ME.TU. Siracusa-Messina Turistica" by the architect Gaetano Manuele and "L'Anello del Giovenco, la voce della Marsica" by Flaminia di Muzio and Liliana Bisceglie, Ph.D. in Architecture.

New in the 2020 edition, the BIOSLOW Mention aimed at rewarding projects and actions for the sustainable development of the territories. This year the award goes to the promotion initiative of an area between southern Piedmont and Liguria: "Marca Aleramica" a network of paths and secondary roads, farms and places of extraordinary beauty between Roero, Langhe and Monferrato, a territory aimed at recovering its own identity and defining its relaunch starting from agriculture and hospitality.

Enit President Giorgio Palmucci said: "I listened with particular attention and interest to the interventions of the three winners at the Premio Go Slow and in particular I agree with what was said by the representative of Alpine Pearls on the fact of working all together for sustainable tourism, for slow tourism, for tourism that allows interaction between public and private and that allows to have, just as in the case of Alpine Pearls, a multinational cooperation and presence. So it will be necessary to network, collaborate on multiple projects that are not in competition with each other, especially in such a difficult time and prepare for the new year by managing to direct flows of tourists even to less known destinations, towards the discovery of territories equally rich in beauty, nature and culture. Therefore, for all the project initiatives presented at the Premio Go Slow Award today and for future editions, Enit will be present. We will be with you, to work on every platform that allows you to promote the spread of your message in favor of soft mobility."

The GO SLOW 2020 ceremony, given the restrictions due to the health emergency, could not be held in Rome at the historic national headquarters of ENIT, as originally planned. It took place in digital version, which can be reviewed at the link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mjBXHJ-2eL4; it was moderated by the journalist Ornella D'Alessio, in the presence of the President of ENIT Giorgio Palmucci, the Presidents of the Scientific Committee of the prize Federico M. Ceschin, M. Debora Sanna, Paolo Capocci and the Architects Alessio Scarale and Robert Maddalena, representing all the Prize Jury.

Ufficio Stampa Nazionale Segreteria scientifica "Premio GO SLOW8 2020”
DMO Mediterranean Pearls - Co.Mo.Do. - SIMTUR

Listen to ENIT President Palmucci and President Sanna: https://bit.ly/2IP7dU9

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