
Tourism Project Management

Mediterranean Pearls aims to dictate guidelines and strategies for enhancing tourism towards national and international markets in synergy with local realities, through the construction of a network of collaborations between partners based on sharing experiences and through the creation of a communication network. The destinations that intend to use this programmatic platform will then be able to improve competitiveness and attraction towards the areas involved, thanks to the creation of a network of sustainable destinations that will be enhanced accordingly. In particular, Mediterranean Pearls puts itself at the service of the territories of the Mediterranean basin in order to:

  • Structure a collaboration with the tourism business system.
  • Provide useful tools to the territory and to tour operators.
  • Promote the destination's experiential tourism offer from a market perspective.

The Destination Management activity for Mediterranean Pearls starts from the market demand and consists of:

  • Grouping the tourist offer.
  • Strengthening the tourist image of the destination.
  • Planning and managing destination information.
  • Qualifying local tourism products and services with quality marks.
  • Creating a relationship network between Italian and foreign operators.
  • Monitoring tourism demand and supply.

Mediterranean Pearls' activities are aimed at stakeholders as follows:

  • Universities, trade associations and companies: Mediterranean Pearls offers them the drafting of memoranda of understanding, partnerships in European calls and win-win situations.
  • Local tourism companies: tour operators, bike hotels, B&Bs, restaurateurs, suppliers of tourist and complementary services. For them Mediterranean Pearls acts as a facilitator in the promotion and sale by identifying horizontal co-marketing actions, establishing long-term commercial relationships, concretely realizing the "networking between actors".
  • Institutional entities of the territory: Regions, Municipalities, Parks, GALs and tourist consortia. Mediterranean Pearls offers them its know-how of thirty years of experience in territorial and relational marketing, tourist communication, master plans for soft mobility in order to optimize initiatives by maximizing returns on investments.

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