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Land art: Nel letto del vento

Land art: Nel letto del vento

"Nel letto del vento" is the title of the 19th edition of Arte sull'Acqua, an event organized by Non Capovolgere Contemporary Art, a cultural association dedicated to art since 2004, in partnership with the Mediterranean Pearls Association. This event features installations, music, performances, dance, photography, and readings on the Rio of Mantua, blending together to highlight one of the most enchanting and fascinating locations in the city: the Rio of Mantua and the Pescherie of Giulio Romano.

The performance is conceived and presented by Mantuan artist Lorella Salvagni: "I want to break away from the traditional and make possible, with boldness, the realization of a collective dream: to interact with a place, already special in itself, to become a constitutive part of a work of art."
Art critic Donata Negrini adds: "Those who navigate know that the bed of the wind represents the origin of every journey, embracing without fear the restless and adventurous foundations of traveling by water, in one direction or another, to entrust oneself to the regenerating energy of the sky. In the bed of the wind, the trajectories of every discovery branch out through the blue, the soaring and the resumption of routes suddenly oriented towards a barely hinted vision of the destination, which in the end always turns out to be a little less surprising than imagined riding the current. The choral and unpredictable performance breaks away from the traditional role of creator to assume the unexpected one of deus ex machina, boldly making possible the realization of a collective dream: to interact with a place, already special in itself, to become a constitutive part of a work of art.
Referring to this metaphorical space of calm and impetus, of confirmations and transformation, which within the bond between words seems to contain the secret antithesis of every desire, becomes the key to accessing an unusual form of art-making, where the work becomes an event capable of transcending the very coordinates of any identification, whether it is sculpture, painting, or installation.
The main feature is the relationship created among the people who decide to respond to the artist's invitation to descend into the Rio and move in the water, guided by the music written by Elena Terragnoli. But that's not all. Throughout the event, nationally renowned photographers participate in the action, capturing moments of this special experience with their lenses. These shots are projected onto the walls of the Rio, offering themselves to the gaze of all who take part in the work, reflecting shared glimpses, expressions, and gestures.
It is a joyful journey, like the reappearance of fireflies in the urban profile, now dried up of wonder. It is a succession of contrasting emotions, as is proper to any conscious and authentic immersion in the space-time dimension. Perhaps it is also a return to the innocence of childhood, when the need to play naturally opens to the revelation of the world. Or it is a projection into the unlimited field of future possibilities, the boldest of which often remain forgotten or hidden. There is no use in programming the outcome of an operation that chooses to overcome boundaries, indeed to eliminate them completely, between inside and outside, between above and below, between what is known and what is truly experienced.
Freedom is the only rule of beauty, in the reciprocity of the sense of those who see it and those who live it. And so, the work is given, as an unexpected gift, 'au fond de l’Inconnu pour trouver du nouveau!'

The event is sponsored by the Municipality of Mantova, the Pescherie of Giulio Romano Foundation, Friends of Palazzo Te and Mantova Museums, AIPO, and the Mincio Territory Reclamation Consortium.
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