
Meeting with Ciclostile Architettura

Tuesday 8 June 2021 at 6 p.m. on the SIMTUR LIVE platform, last appointment with the spring live broadcasts of the Go Slow Prize. We close with Ciclostile Architettura of Bologna, special mention 2020. With Debora Sanna and Alessio Scarale, we will talk about the state of the art of the greenway regeneration works of the former forgotten railway "La Veneta: Budrio-Massalombarda".
The Goslow Prize Live will resume in October 2021.

Follow the live event at 6 p.m. on Simtur Italia's Facebook page and Youtube channel.

For applications and news on the 2021 edition of the Premio Go Slow, visit www.premiogoslow.it. Deadline for submission of applications: September, winners in the various categories will be named in October, and the awards ceremony will be held on Thursday 18 November 2021 in Rome at ENIT, the sponsoring body.

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