
10 years of Go Slow Award

The Go Slow Award was born in Venice in 2006 by the will of Mediterranean Pearls APS Italy , of Go Slow Social Club and Co.Mo.Do. and was the first and today the only award in Italy, to be able to monitor soft mobility in the national Mediterranean Pearls.
It is an award that welcomes the best project proposals from regions, cities of vast areas and municipalities on urban regeneration in favor of sustainable mobility and was created to encourage public administrations to devise proposals for circular economy and zero pollution projects in the slow tourist destinations of the Mediterranean.
I n this way, a reading of projects on slow destinations is proposed, in order to promote soft mobility and to bring out its relevance and centrality in the physical, historical, economic and cultural geographies of the country.
With this now decennial Award, Mediterranean Pearls Italy intends to be the protagonist of a reflection on the role of sustainable mobility for the Ecological Transition to which Italy is finally preparing in the post-pandemic. Over the course of ten years, the Prize has been won by regional tourism promotion companies, for the maintenance and development of religious routes, by rail tourism associations, and by municipalities which, with the help of town planners and Mobility Managers, have used the various components present in the area, defining transversal green infrastructures such as river cycle paths, with the result of achieving an excellent level of integration, in the perspective of a "network of networks", of cycle and pedestrian routes. In addition, the award was given to municipalities that have been able to seek the best solutions regarding the landscape and environmental inclusion of routes and the attention to sustainable planning of interventions.

Premio Go Slow

The starring role of the Go Slow Award is therefore the application of soft mobility in the territories, the one that can intercept an increasing number of travelers who love slow and gentle tourism, that the Award succeeds each time to tell and bring out. There is the desire to monitor the concept of urban quality with that of ecological and environmental quality. Using urban green in fact generates well-being. By creating public space appropriate to the complexity of social, climatic and environmental problems that cities are called to face, we do the work of urban regeneration that gives the city new and competitive aspects and a new breath from the environmental point of view, with particular attention to intermodality.
With this Award, the Mediterranean Pearls candidates, from Liguria to Sardinia, have been able to aggregate the stakeholders of slow mobility, thus promoting soft mobility by bicycle, on foot, on horseback and by train, especially in inland areas experiencing depopulation, but ready to relaunch tourism. With Go Slow, for example, you go to the rediscovery of routes, places, spaces, landscapes, common territorial goods related to the civilization of the Mediterranean transhumance, an ancient practice that has built the inland landscapes of southern Italy.

Premio Go Slow

he Award is intended to showcase, for example, the desire to recover the historical, cultural, social and symbolic identity of the places of disused and unmanned railway stations in order to restore, through events, the collective values aimed at enhancing public and material spaces. For 10 years, Go Slow has been rewarding attention to the enhancement of industrial archaeology artifacts that encompass a portion of the natural landscape, so that their protection and preservation can be guaranteed. It rewards the creation of ecological corridors for multiple users, always with a view to soft mobility. It awards prizes for the recovery of the historical-cultural road network within urban centers of art. It rewards the Pearls that are able to privilege interstitial tourism, a theme particularly suited to Mediterranean territories and vocated, for example, to the culture of walking in southern Italy. It rewards the interconnected systems of various macro-paths that know how to enhance the landscape, making it freely accessible to the cultured and curious traveler. It rewards public administrations when they know how to rebuild what has been destroyed by earthquakes, increasing its quality, in a mutual dialogue between nature, memory and sustainable mobility. 

Finally, the prize promotes the culture of cycling, giving the right importance to the means of transport as an instrument of freedom. From 2023, the Go Slow Award will become biennial, crossing Italian borders to become International, with the aim of rewarding the best practices of sustainable development of European Mediterranean destinations and those on the southern shore.

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