
A new lecture of DMO Mediterranean Pearls

Friday July 17th 2020 - From Alpine Pearls to Mediterranean Pearls: soft mobility holidays
Today holidays become more and more sustainable and in gentle mobility. From the Alpine arc to the Mediterranean basin, from Alpine Pearls to Mediterranean Pearls: all the green Tours that await us. We talk about it on Friday 17 July 2020, from 4.3pm0 to 4.40pm.
In the Panel: Karmen MENTIL CEO of Alpine Pearls, Debora SANNA President of DMO Med Pearls Italia for the trans-European project MEDPEARLS by ENI CBC Med Program 2014-2020, Filippo ZULLO, expert in territorial marketing, Daniela MARINO CEO Isolani per caso, Adriana BARONE Marketing manager Tour Operator BDM Viaggi.
Coordinated by Salvatore CALABRETTA Project manager DMO Mediterranean Pearls.

ZOOM address: https://us04web.zoom.us/j/77443409664?pwd=TWRjVmRXYTArd205Wks2bTRsK0Zkdz09
In English language.
For info and registrations: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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