
Training Session Etna - Valle dell'Alcantara

As part of the European cross-border program ENI CBC MED, created to face the challenges of the Mediterranean and improve the lives of men and women in the region, the Med Pearls project is being developed, the Italian beneficiary of which is the Mediterranean Pearls DMO. The project aims to promote the competitiveness of the Mediterranean area by positioning it as an innovative and high quality destination for Slow Tourism.
DMO Mediterranean Pearls has selected two pilot areas in Italy, one of which is that of Etna - Valle dell’Alcantara, where to focus for the construction of innovative proposals for sustainable and experiential tourism. In order to increase the competitiveness of the territory, in the context of Med Pearls, a call will soon be published for operators in the tourism sector (DMC, Travel Agency, TO Associations, startups, business networks, tourist guides etc.) for the development of innovative projects in terms of slow tourist usability of the territory, to be presented for funding.

On Saturday 07 November 2020 from 09.30 to 13.30 a workshop will take place online, in collaboration with IMPACT HUB SIRACUSA partners of Mediterranean Pearls. All information relating to the call will be provided (total budget, eligibility criteria, activities, eligible expenses, etc.). We invite you to participate, convinced that it is an excellent opportunity for the sustainable development of our Sicilian territory and to be part of the future international network of Mediterranean Pearls.

To participate in the meeting, accreditation is required by filling out the form at the link https://bit.ly/2TCerwl.
The Zoom credentials to access the meeting will be provided only to registered people.

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